Ethical Principles and Publication Policy

  1. Turkish Management Review (TMR) is published twice a year, in June and December.
  2. The publication languages ​​of the journal are Turkish and English.
  3. The publication process is followed by using the TMR online system available at during the process.
  4. Articles should be between 3500-9000 words excluding extended summary. Articles that are shorter or longer than the specified range will not be considered. The Extended Summary section should consist of 750-1000 words. Articles should not exceed 10,000 words in total.
  5. Candidate articles sent to the journal must be original and not previously published elsewhere or the publication process is not in progress.
  6. Candidate articles are first reviewed by the editors for compliance with the spelling rules, and then directed to at least two referees. While the articles that both referees report positively are ready for publication, if both referees report negative, the article is rejected. If one of the referees is positive and the other is negative, the article is sent to a third referee. According to the report from the third referee, it is decided whether the article will be published or not.
  7. For an author whose article is published in TMR, one year is required for the next article to be published.