Writing Rules


Turkish Management Review (TMR) is open access, peer-reviewed, scientific journal that publishes theoretical and/or applied original articles, book reviews, translations, reviews, symposium evaluations and conference articles in the field of management sciences. TMR is published as an electronic publication twice a year (June and December). Publication languages ​​are Turkish and English.

Deadline for submission of articles: end of April for the June term and October for the December term.

In the article acceptance process, the entire publication process is followed by using the TMR online system available at www.turmr.com.

Articles should be between 3500-9000 words excluding extended summaries. Articles that are shorter or longer than the specified range will not be considered. The Extended Summary section should consist of 750-1000 words. Manuscripts should not exceed 10,000 words in total.

An extended summary should be included at the end of the articles. The English “Extended Summary” section should be placed at the end of Turkish articles, and the Turkish “Extended Summary” section should be placed at the end of English articles. There should be no subtitles in the Extended Summary section. The Extended Summary section should provide readers with information about the entire study (research purpose, method, findings and results, etc.). The Extended Summary section should start on a new page and consist of 750-1000 words. This part should be carefully written in terms of grammar, expression and scope. It should be noted that this section will represent the international dimension of the journal and the article.

The articles submitted to the journal must be original and not previously published elsewhere or the publication process is not in progress.

The articles sent for publication are subject to pre-check, plagiarism control, referee evaluation and Turkish-English language control. The work, which does not pass this process even though it has been examined three times during the Pre-Check Stage, is returned to the author and is not processed again in the same publication period. Studies that pass the Pre-Check stage are included in the evaluation process in which at least two referees are assigned within the framework of the double-blind refereeing principle.

In TMR, it is highly recommended to create a video abstract of the studies and to introduce the studies in the authors' own words (See the Video Abstract Guide for details) and is preferred.

The articles use the APA 7 reference style.

The article should be made in accordance with the journal writing rules before it is sent.

You need to edit and submit your article via the Article Template in the Templates and Forms section. Works that do not comply with the Sample Template will not be considered.

In some studies, the absence of elements and titles specified in the template is not a problem. Titles may vary depending on the scope of the study.

Book Review Writing Rules

A book presentation should be a critical evaluation of a work, not just a summary. If the author disagrees with the book, he should state, and indicate the sample aspects or deficiencies of the book, or if he agrees with the book author, he should express it. The author who promotes the book should address the contribution of the publication to the world of science, whether the sources he used are sufficient or not.

Book review author,

  • Explain why the book is worth reading,
  • If it brings a new approach, it should examine the methods used by the author,
  • It should clearly state the purpose of the author in his book,
    If the author of the book review makes a positive or negative comment, he should explain it with exemplary reasons,
  • The author should always maintain objectivity and avoid personal comments,
  • Book review texts should be between 1000-3000 words,
  • The cover page of the work in which the review is made must be attached to the article.
  • Title information should include the name of the work promoted or reviewed, its author, the city and publisher it was published in, the year of publication, the number of pages and the ISBN number. The name and surname of the author should be left-justified and an explanation mark should be placed under the title information and the author information should be given under the page. The cover photo of the book should be placed on the first page.

You can find detailed information about other resource types on the APA 7 official website. Click for APA Style 1 and APA Style 2 documents on this site.

Important Issues Barring the Publishing of Articles

  1. Articles that are not deemed appropriate by the Editorial Board are not evaluated/published.
  2. In the plagiarism similarity reports received by the authors through the iThenticate, Turnitin or intihal.net program, articles with a similarity rate of more than 3% and a total similarity rate of more than 25% from a source are not evaluated/published.
  3. Articles that do not have an author ORCID allocation number will not be evaluated/published.
  4. Articles that do not have sufficient author, member and imprint information will not be evaluated/published.
  5. Articles that are not prepared according to journal writing rules are not evaluated/published.
  6. Articles that do not have Turkish and English abstracts or are not prepared properly will not be evaluated/published.
  7. Except for obligatory cases, articles using the classic under-page footnote system will not be evaluated/published.
  8. Except for the special decision of the Editorial Board, articles exceeding the number of articles by the author per year are not evaluated/published.
  9. Articles with the name of the author at the bottom of the page, inside or in the file name will not be evaluated/published.
  10. Articles that are found to be insufficient in content, layout, source, evaluation, method, language, etc. in the editor's preliminary review are not evaluated/published.
  11. Except for the special decision of the Editorial Board, articles with more than 10,000 words including the extended abstract will not be evaluated/published.
  12. Articles whose evaluation process cannot be completed until the journal enters the printing and publishing process will not be evaluated/published.
  13. Articles that have been rejected before will not be evaluated/published.
  14. Articles exceeding the relevant issue capacity of the journal will not be evaluated/published.

Note: For studies that require “Ethics Committee Permission”, it is mandatory to upload the relevant Ethics Committee Report. For studies that do not require the approval of the Ethics Committee, the "Declaration of No Ethics Committee Permission Required" form should be uploaded to the system.